
On the cutting edge for Donald

One of the newest technologies we are using to support our clients is Voiceitt , a speech recognition app for people with speech disabilities, disorders, or impairments.

Meet Donald Mials. Donald is 69 years old. He was born and raised in Washington, DC. Donald loves his City and is a big time home-town sports fan.

Donald was born with Cerebral Palsy which affects his mobility and speech which can make communication difficult for him. Donald is using the Voiceitt app to better communicate with the world around him. Which is a game changer in Donald's life, because he is quite the charmer. He loves to be the center of attention and has a beautiful smile and attitude towards how to make the most out of life. This technology is changing the way Donald can interact with his community. He has a great sense of humor and enjoys joking and laughing with others.

He no longer has to feel insecure about people misunderstanding him when he speaks. Your support of Donald has helped give him a voice. Life changing!

Donald is unlocking all the different phrases he has in his head ...for the first time.


Let's make dreams possible for people like Donald

Say yes to giving people a voice