
The Difference

“We have raised him to not let his disability define who he is.” Jami, Garrett’s mom said with pride in her eyes. Him working “is the difference between him being independent and being able to take care of himself when we’re not around any more”.

The idea of independence is taken for granted by most of us, however in families who have a child living with a disability independence can be a scary and sometimes unobtainable thought. Thanks to your support through SJCS and our employment services, independence is not just a dream for the people you help us support, it can become a reality.

Moms like Jami, can have confidence that their son or daughter will shake the limits of labels, and build a future they want to live, because of friends like you.

Garrett found SJCS after he graduated from high school through a referral. Jami has fought all of Garrett’s life to ensure he had the same chances and opportunities as everyone else.  

“I feel bad for parents who don’t know support like this — SJCS Employment Services — are available to their children.”


One of the scariest thoughts to a parent who has a child living with a disability is what will happen to them once they are older and can no longer care for them or after they pass away. With your help SJCS is making sure individuals living with disabilities have the support services, employment opportunities and technology available to them to live their best and most independent life.

Garrett is thriving working two jobs in his hometown. He is an active and contributing member of his community supporting himself just like any other 24-year-old young man. You have made that possible for Garrett. However, there are still men and women out there in our communities who are unaware of the services available to them because we don't have the means to reach them.

Your support could be the difference in easing the mind of a mom like Jami, who wants to make sure that when she is no longer around there is still someone fighting for her son’s right to live his best life. 

Let's make dreams possible for people like Garrett

Say yes to helping people be an active and contributing member of their community